GENRE: Adventure, Sci Fi, Drama
STARRING: Marc BenDavid, Melissa O'Neil, Anthony Lemke, Alex Mallari Jr.,Jodelle Ferland, Roger Cross, Zoie Palmer...
RUN TIME: 42min
SEASONS: 3 (2015 - 2017)
A group of six people awaken in stasis pods with amnesia aboard the starship Raza. They have no memories of who they are or their lives before awakening, so they assume the names One through Six, the order in which they left stasis. The only clue to their identities is a cargo bay full of weaponry and a destination: a remote mining colony that is about to become a war zone.They stabilize their vessel and set about trying to uncover their identities and what happened to them.
This series explores the lives of six strangers with memory loss abroad a starship and their quest to find their identities. A great but simple plot, the perfect cast, well choreographed and exciting fight scenes are what the viewers will be treated to. A recommended watch.
RATING: 9/10
You can download this series for free HERE
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Wow this is a nice TV series. I will definitely check it out