Genre: Inspirational
Published: July 25, 2015
Words: 125,620
Language: British English
ISBN: 9781311314307
Out of the blue Simian Hayes receives a call from the Cardiff Royal infirmary, his father has died as the result of a massive heart attack. From that moment on, Simian puts the meaning of his life in question, his career and his relationship with Amelia, in fact everything he believes in, comes under scrutiny.
We meet Simian after he has hit bottom, slowly he's getting to his feet but he's bewildered, bitter and cynical. However there is someone willing to help him out of the darkness, but to be able to follow her into the light, he must tell all.
Sometimes funny, sometimes chilling, but always honest and gritty.
Scratching the Surface tells how Simian came to be on the coast and what happened to him when he got there. The story also follows him on his journey away from an unhappy past into a warmer and more welcoming future.
You can download it for free Here
Rating: 7/10
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